The Returning Citizen

The Returning Citizen is a storytelling platform that aims to inspire and inform ex-offenders, their families, and allies.

The Returning Citizen is a storytelling platform that aims to inspire and inform ex-offenders, their families, and allies.


When we think about criminal justice reform, voting is an essential piece of the puzzle. But for folks who have spent time in prison... it’s complicated. Your voting rights are often stripped while incarcerated, and in certain situations, this disenfranchisement can be permanent. In this episode, we explore this issue in detail to make sure returning citizens and criminal justice allies know their rights leading into this upcoming election season and beyond.

[CORRECTION: Michigan is 1 of 16 states (+ D.C.) where individuals lose voting rights during incarceration but then voting rights are restored automatically upon release. In 21 additional states, individuals with felony convictions lose their voting rights during incarceration, and for a period of time after, while on parole/probation or if fines or fees are owed, after which voting rights are automatically restored.]

Recorded September 10, 2020 via Zoom call



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